Parts of URL

  1. Break down URLs into components (scheme, domain, subdomain, path, etc.).
  2. Look for inconsistencies or suspicious elements (e.g., misspelled brand names, extra characters).


Fake domain

  1. Identify variations of legitimate domain names (e.g., missing letters, swapped characters).
  2. Use tools likeCheckShortURL to expand shortened URLs and verify their legitimacy.


  1. Be cautious of unusual or uncommon TLDs (e.g., .xyz, .info, .top).
  2. Verify if the TLD matches the expected country or organization (e.g., for UK-based sites).

    • For example:
    • ’.com’ is intended for commercial businesses.
    • ’.gov’ is for U.S. government entities.
    • ’.uk’ is for domains from the United Kingdom.
    • Link for others TLDs

  1. Verify if the website uses HTTPS (secure connection).
  2. Check the SSL certificate details (expiration date, issuer).
  3. Below are tools for cheking SSL.

  1. Use WHOIS lookup tools to find information about the domain owner.
  2. Look for recent registrations or privacy protection services.


  • Evaluate the quality of website content (grammar, spelling, coherence).
  • Fake websites often have poorly written or copied content.


  • Identify variations of legitimate domain names (e.g., missing letters, swapped characters).
  • Use tools like CheckShortURLto expand shortened URLs and verify their legitimacy

  • Check if the website provides valid contact details (email, phone, address).
  • Verify the legitimacy of the provided information.
  • Refer to our other SOPS to check information like phone numbers,emails,etc.

  • Search for user reviews or ratings of the website.
  • Use platforms likeTrustpilotorSitejabberto check user experiences.

  • Install browser extensions that warn about suspicious websites.

    1. Netcraft : This extension offers community-based reporting to protect against phishing sites. It also warns users when they try to visit a website that has been compromised with a JavaScript skimmer.
    2. uBlock Origin : This extension blocks third-party trackers and domains that are known to belong to malware sources.
    3. Malwarebytes Browser Guard : This extension blocks trackers and other threats, including technical support scams and virtual credit card skimmers.
    4. Avira Browser Safety : This extension protects against infected ads, unwanted applications hidden in downloads, and malicious websites.
    5. Trend Micro Check : This extension analyzes each website you visit for different types of suspicious or harmful content.
    6. Disconnect : This extension shows you the names of specific web trackers for each site you visit and lets you block them.
  • Use online tools like Scamvoidto check a website’s reputation.

  • AFter finding that the given website is fake you can report it onGoogle Safewebsite.
  • Define steps to block or blacklist identified fake websites.